Locally sensitive, the proposed developments react to the bordering area of the former airport, filtering and blurring the existing urban fabric into a new pattern of threads, partly built and partly planted, always stretching east-west bringing best faƧade orientation to all buildings or spreading horizontally shaping multiple corners and interior gardens.
We conceive the Hellenikon area as a complex field with many ranges of permeability to social solicitations, from areas strongly permeable to others considered as (new) promising natural reserves whose "impermeable" condition guarantees its preservation. The visible lines of such process are represented by the needlework pattern shown in the proposal. The waving movement following the main road trajectories ties the activities and define potentials.
The assumption of this pattern as general organizer helps to solve the connectivity of the whole area, in terms of movement of agents (light traffic, bikes, pedestrians), as well as drainage infrastructure, preserving natural reserves from intense urban activity. At the same time it allows to identify the clusters where intense activity will better developed.
On the other hand, the intensifying strategy consists of stimulate this potential areas with a system of "fertilization" of the ground level by means of defined elements called "spots", so as to attract agents and other unpredictable activities spread all over the park.
The combination of few conditions such as topology, materiality, dimension, and use, will provide a broad range of possibilities capable to respond to the changing social and economical demand put on the Hellenikon Green Heart.