architecture laboratory
--------------- by status
--------------- by subject
--------------- profile
--------------- cv
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--------------- publications
--------------- awards
International Competitions
2003: 1st prize
Minimal housing international competition, Elemental Chile (organized by Chile Catholic University and Harvard Design School)
2003: 1st prize, ex – equo
International competition Master plan for Ferial de Almanjayar, Granada (Spain)
2002: Runner-up
Landscape and public spaces layout, “Ciudad Levante” master plan competition, Cordoba
2000: Runner-up (1st phase)
Master Plan for Lagos de Moreno (Mexico) ,International urban design competition “Santiago 2000, European and Iberoamerican city)
National Competitions
2008: 1st prize
Primary School design competition, Banyeres (Alicante)
2005: Runner-up
Secondary School in Alcudia, Mallorca
2005: Runner-up
Congress hall competition in Alfafar (Valencia)
2004: Honorable mention
Primary School in Inca, Mallorca
2001: 2nd Prize
Elderly care center and residential units, Mallorca
2001: 3rd Prize
Special Care center for handicapped, Mallorca
2000: 1st prize
Youth hostel and civic center in Serrejón (Cáceres)